Thursday, May 21, 2009

God Loves Irene More Than Us



Form 3.......................................................................................................................
Our Hi - & Bye - .......
Our Chit-chat ...........................
Weird feeling when i knew i have such a "Far-related" relative..

Form 4 .............................................................................................................................

Form 5............................................................................... . . .

2009. 5.21

The End

The blank in between us..
Filled with one thought only..

" ya, i know her"
i m a failure

Towards a friend,

Yes, somehow, i assumes dat we could be just friend,

It seems like no way to upgrade our relationship anymore further..
When i knew she got bone cancer ..
yes, we were shocked
the thing we can do was limited.................................

2 years..
it's blank in our book of RELATIONSHIP

Giving care by discussion.

Showing concern by wondering.

Expressing love by words.

A fool. a regret.

When we heard dat u r getting better,
we felt glad..

But then, after that,..
nothing we had done for u...............

nOw, n0W,NOW
No way for me to have 2nd chance.

For You,
2 lives?

I, U, We, They, Only have ONE LIFE.

i know u are happie NOW.. ^-^ .............................................................................................

The place u are looking forward to.............................................................................................................
The one u are looking forward to................................................................................................................



1 comment:

Joyce Gan said...

Me & you~~ failure~~