Saturday, January 24, 2009


这一刻,在这世界上,除了家人外,Charmaine最希望不变心的一样东西是。。 《S3TO

Sunday, January 18, 2009


# 爸爸妈妈


白饭 炒饭 鱼片饭

尾牙餐 烛光晚餐 生日大餐

被遗忘 忽略

鱼虾蟹鲍 不缺席
红橙黄绿 并挤身

期待 欣慰
两老 嘴角微扬
似怕 被发掘
口是心非 的心肝





来到伯伯家,伯伯在他们敲了好久的门后才开门。。 不管他们怎么七嘴八舌地骂,伯伯还是一脸淡定。。客厅里伯伯的太太,婆婆盖着眼睛虚弱的坐在地板,后背靠在沙发。。王先生发现很不妥,一番惊慌害怕地鉴定后发现, 婆婆死了!但伯伯不舍的婆婆的离去,数天陪伴她,没将以土葬或火化…… 而这与过期的鲍贝罐头有什么关联呢?!

伯伯在骂浪声中,边打开橱柜拿出第一罐鲍鱼罐头,边语重心长地说了一番话:“这是三年前,我老婆买的,说等子女孙子们回来一起吃团圆饭。但……他们没有回来。这给你们做赔偿。”说完,他递给王嫂,在拿了第二罐鲍鱼。伯伯说:“这是去年买的,已经买了一罐了,可是她说怕孩子回来不够吃,再买一罐吧。。结果,他们还是没有回来。也给你们做赔偿。” 接着的第三罐,他说:“这罐……是今年买的。我说不用买,他们不会回来的。可是,她说他们今年会回来。这罐也没有用了,都给你吧~”老伯伯拿着泡好的MILO走向客厅,坐在冷冰冰的太太的隔壁,对她说:“老婆,我来陪你看大戏,这一段是你最喜欢的。” 顿时,大家哑口无言~

不知道怎么,觉得很可悲!这个像是给我们新一代的讯息。。可是有多少人真正接收到这个也付之于行动呢。。好些人也许认为自己为他们做很多了,有些甚至认为父母地付出是天经地义的,或许有部分的人每当被提醒时,才发觉自己做得不多,难过但过后又生活一切打回原形。。我呢,该属最后者了。。其实,很多时候父母要求的并不多,但我们去做的却很少。。更重要的是,是否抱着正确的态度去执行呢? 一颗感恩的心。。。孝与否,并不是由别人去判断的,也不重要。。是家人之间是否常常紧连彼此的心,坦白,关心。。



尤其是家人,别让他们给了你一辈子的爱, 却带着泪离开。。

Friday, January 16, 2009

Honeymoon_ING in Malaysia
d 130th Dae

Russia .. >>>

Malaysia.. =p

feeling how ya...Mm... hapie of cos, tired of cos, sad of cos ( stil gota study >.< ) , .... D feeling ya.. actuali is SOO00oo difference..

One month b4, i was still tat sad over cos time passed so slow, exams n homework load made me felt stressed, couldn't sleep well, missed home evidae.. Home sick severely..Slowly, who knows.. Human tend to hav strong adaptation ability.. 130 days in Moscow, i survived it!
Tear is decreasing,smile is increasing... * ('',)

D 1st step out of d plane, on d ground of my birthplace, felt evithg is jus sooo familiar, d language, d ppl (skin & hair colour =p).. Not forget, d hotness of MR SUN.. @.@'' (haven put sunblock yet wey.. xD)

D feeling of reuniting wif family members was SOO00oo GREAT! esp i m tat kind of mummie gal , or daddie gal.. =p
tHANK GOD that we all reached safely..

# Less- than-3 weeks-holidays , must use it wisely.. will see wats gona happening in dis golden period! Praying tat guiding me thru HS, sO0o tat i will lead d life to d fullest.. Love my family.. D love tat they pour on me, feel contented.. CNY is around d corner, haven got d feel yet.. lol..

Goin out now.. !1 st dae of Honey-moon_ing .. =p

Thursday, January 15, 2009

... sob.. ful~~ LLL .. Smile ^_^

Winter stories....
D 129th Dae..

Tomoro wil bec MALAYSIA..
HAPIE.. but oso sad ..
gota bring bec my BIOORGANIC CHEM book bec to study.. cos d ORAL EXAM which supposed to b taken todae, was postponed..
SOB~~~ gota bring tat fews books togaether bec across d sky .. CNY Dreamzz not perfect leh...

B4 dis, Mr PUZAKOV,d head of CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT agreed that we can sit for d exam earlier than d others since we had booked our flight tickets.. even our class teacher,Ms Olga oso said we will have her words.. BUT THEN, end up like dis.. whose fault ?!!!

Mr Puzakov treated few occupants of 1433 brutally todae during d written exam.. He put "people" at a group of people who were alredi doing their test.. then all of them Ended their exam at d same time!!! What on earth is this exam system... He behaved oddly recently..heard that he was so angry days b4 dis due to sum lazy "foreigners" students .. Soooo.... Anyway, it's STILL shudn't b like dis.. And then, he deducted 2 marks for scribbling on d question paper( We were not informed in advance bout tat .. @.@ ) At 1st, we requested to bring our empty paper as a rough used, but was rejected at d entrance. Ms Olga said we wil b given papers to do so. WHEN i sat down that time, i oni knew tat ppl ard me was buzy racking their brain for A,B,C or D..or may b ALL.. i got no choice, i scribbled on d paper too (Teacher, i ain't tat smart la .. >.< ) Then, d exam ended soo fast.. my roomate wasn't able to finish in time, and did not transfer her answer into d answer sheet..OOPS.. Poor thing happened! Mr Puzakov just grabbed her paper cruelly, did not even want to listen to her single word! Pity her~~ Now, we shud count ourselves as d happiness one as students in Malaysia.. ( Try to flash bec to ur wonderful schooling time~ SWeet memory that only can go thru once in one's life )

Anyway, tat's one of d experiences in LIFE.. No matter how, we will grow up thru dis so-called "Hard Time" ( at that moment) ,leaning on d STRENGTH given .. .. "Wasting time" studying.. that's d fruit i deserve?! No way, but tat's d truth n fact now.. No enuf time & Puzakov's issue shud not b d excuses..Charmaine.. Tiring.. physically.. stayed up whole nite, spending N hours ... Forget it.. Have a SMILE, nothing cannot pass thru... =)

Well, d journey is still long n time-consuming.. Charmaine.. Don't give up.. Be persevere in this along d pathway.. Have Faith.. ( Thank God!)

JIayou ya! JIAyou....

1 Day To Go...

Monday, January 12, 2009


CUT directly from my fren's blog..
Lazy to inform d latest news..
Take it as one of d CNN news la ~ ..(@^_^@)

For those who dunno this.. Russia ain't a frenly place. There're 2 grps here that's a threat to us foreigners. 1st there's the drunkards. u wouldnt wanna be near them when they're drunk. 2ndly and the most dangerous of them all.. the skinheads. this grp of ppl r the foreigner-haters.

so u think russia is a nice place? here's the down side of it. i've heard many stories bout this skinheads b4 i came here. din expect to witness it all n hear it 1st hand when i'm actually here. the peak day we shd all be afraid of is their Hitler's birthday. they all worship him so yea.. they bash ppl up for fun i guess.

so yea here's wat happend this past few weeks since now my hostel area is a "hotspot" for this bunch of clowns. on our x'mas celebration is pushkin.. a year mate of mine.. went out alone to get a present for the occasion. when he returned home.. he got bashed up. i arrived home frm my bro's hostel n saw him in the main lobby wit blood all over his face n slashes ( i think its slashes la.. ). apparently they used glass beer bottle n smashed it in his head. i HEARD ( not sure true anot ) he got 7 holes in his head. but rite after the party i went over to his room n saw his head bandaged. lucky thing he's ok now la.

Then there's a case where a korean gurl got blown up. this ppl put a grenade in the hood of her downfeather jacket.. n it exploded there without her knowing it was there. went to hospital but din make it out alive. and this week itself 3 ppl gt stabbed. not sure who but all frm my hostel. then.. rite after i arrived back to my hostel frm grocery shopping a grp of chinese met the same fate. a chinese gurl n guy got stabbed. here's wat happened. they're travelling in a grp of 3 or 4. then 2 russian dudes approached them n asked " r u chinese?" b4 they cud answer they got stabbed. they were bleeding so badly they cant even walk back the short distance into the hostel n laid there wit their frens by their side. luckily some passer by saw them lying on the ground bleeding. this jus happened not long after this post was posted. n they jus got sent to the hospital. so yea.. to all u m'sians who r in russia now..
be careful!

-- 再 --

在雪地里的日子 第126日

没有人 想回去
裂心引力的 痛

小孩呱呱 的声音
回不去 想

我 想哭
混浊的 漩涡
迷失了 你的 本性

排斥 却不晓

好奇遗忘 厌
感恩 感恩
那 纯 走下去
被当弃 ... ...

** 2014年未来@医生 的心格 跟着心的方向走 …… **

4 Days More To Go …… ~~

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

-- Down ~ Counting --

在雪地里的日子 121th Dae

8.. , 9.. , 10.. , 11.. , 12.. , 13.. , 14.. ........

15th Jan Day of Uniting ..

Left with d last final exam for Bioorganic.. An End-sem exam.. means bye bye to bioor after Winter.. ushering Histology =.=lll

Anyway, Going bec to celebrate CNY wif my frens & family in dis cuming winter break '09 , after that, in d cuming 5 years i wil not hav chance to celebrat CNY in M'sia anymore .. Sad Case ~

Love my home~ Home Sweet Home ~
A place nobody will throw away my trust, my faith and my care towards "anyone" on d FLOOR..
THANK God that i noe, U 'r d only one who love me,alwiz there, d incident happened yesterdae to bring me up, i learn sumthg.. but i wil let go.. I know it was not happened intentionally, i stil blif, i own her as a fren.. she wil grow up wif me, under UR guidance..

8 MORE DAYS TO GO ..... ^_^

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


d 120 daE -13 degree

In His Kingdom,

i m in Moscow,
a Miracle

i m studying Medic,
a Miracle

i m fulfilling a Mission,
a Miracle

when i m Lost
a Miracle

when i m in trouble
a Miracle

when i m in need
a Miracle

Everything is in His plans
before u & i plan

comes from unexpected
that's why touch your Heart

Sounds Complicated?!!
to me,
a Reborn.
I found Him.
when d window opens..
is jus Simple
when He says "It's done."


* a remarkable dae * ^_^

Friday, January 2, 2009

LittLe Effort -- Make a Difference

在雪地里的日子 .. >> d 116th dae

-8 degree
Rainy nite.. 4.14 am

* Poster *

* D mastermind one ~ Lim Geng Yan *
* 90,000 Rubbles -- for an oRphanage Home.. *
* D great TEAM *

* My Partner , Khoo *

* Pastor Kevin *

* Mummy Sandy *

* My grOuPmaTe, Gabriel *

* LovEly roomate, chariS *

* Our nIcE Head of Ushering-- Jessie *

* nEhA *
* Anatomy groupmate-Pren( But i oni found out that dae.. Kinda blur me in d class.. LoL..) *

* gEntleman - Bryan VS huMorist - Ronald *

~ thE swEEty (@^_^@) ~

* vaLYNNe 's Kiss >> isaBEL << charMAINE 's Kiss *

Due to d " Vision '09 " , slep at 8 am plus dis morning & wake up at 4 sumthg.. Just finished arranging my lecture slides, lazy to open my book to study.. 5 Jan got a final control for Bioorganic.. Haven touched yet.. may b too tense b4 dis, soo..after X'mas party in Pushkin, becum like unbridling myself.. trying best to pull it bec to d original track .... so planning write sumthing more ..

..nearly forget bout tat, tat dae post an article which was ONLY a picture.. specially for my sister to view it actually..That's was taken during d White Christmas Charity Ball.. D main mastermind of d function, Lim Geng Yan, my senior had done an awesome job.Thru dis ball, we able to raise a great funds for d orphanage home --- 90,000 Rubbles ( RM 11250) ^_^ i was asked to give a hand,joining d ushering team. At 1st i seriously wana turned it down ( cos was told got 6 colloqs in d coming week) , but, until now , i stil feel NO REGRET going there.. God is great!
Tat night, i was paired up with Khoo Phong Yue to serve 4 Gold Linen tables, which is 2000 Rubbles per seat. One of it were sit by d Embassador of Malaysia & his family members..D performance of d Russian magician was thrilling yet interesting..d band, d violinists,d bidding sessions.. all running smoothly.. My coursemates, Ronald & Isabel were d guests of White Linen table..devouted Ronald bid in a drawing with frame by 18 USD. ( big applause ) ^-^

* PeiYee.. holding D drawing which was bid by Ronald.. *

Overall, it was a fantastic & successful function .. All Glory To God. I blif if it is organise annually, d value of amount wil increase, in a multiplication way, or more.. so that more & more people who in need will be benefitted.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pure 2009 -- Profound Life

在雪地里的日子 D 115th dae -4 degree
Raining, cloudy & snowy night

Flashing back oF 2008 ~~


.. lUCKY pot ..


* Power Puff Girlfriends*

* tANG yUAN dAE ~ *

Me , Chloe , Valynne , Tracy

* May OUR frenSHIP lasts FOREVER.. --- bcum frenCRUISE *

*tRACY *


Miss Olga & US -- Bio Organic Class

* Mooncake & Tang Lung dae *


* Toa Payoh Central Outlet-- Taka Jewellery *

* Uncle Sunny Fung *

.. At Eye of S'pore ..

* mY LOVELY godsisTer, Veron *

* My A Ma, Esther *

Last dae in 2008, Charmaine's best frens came to visit, Mr Sore Throat & Ms Flu.. They are just TOO "kind" to me.. celebrating , and, welcuming d 1st dae in 2009 wif me together..
2 hour b4 2009 reaching, Ms Flu's husband, Mr Fever oso came along to join us. Wow, it was a SUFFERABLE New Year Eve for ME >.<" This year, i celebrated new year wif bunch of Malaysian Namiotkina Christian Centre. It was a function called " VISION '09 " . We reached there at bout 9pm. Guess wat.. we left at 6am in d morning.. We broke record.. staying 8 hours more in church in my life .. Thank GOD for bringing me here in Moscow.. D whole night got diff praying sessions.. B4 d event started, i prayed for sumthg. Then, at 2 sumthg, i got d answer. Amazing. Thanks for d blessing.Althou i fall sick, but.. i ate banana splits at 3am Tat's d refreshment provided).. Flashing back 2008... When i was 20, no one knew or able to guess i wil end up in Moscow.. Fulfilling my dream as a doctor.. Jan 08 til July 08, i had been worked at Take Jewellery in Singapore. It's my 1st job in my life, officially, as a sales executive.. I couldn't deny tat i had a tough time there at 1st, for roughly 2 months++, i even wana give up tat time.. cos d adult world is TOO complicated, got colleague bullied me.. Anyway, cloudy days had passed. i had gone thru it by d helping of my superd nice godsister, Veron n my GREAT supervisor, Uncle Sunny who was from Hong Kong.

D others like my A Ma--Esther, BeiLing,Braven,Ken Sim,Gary .. etc.. Thanks alot. Specially thanks to Mr Ang, my boss who reli help me too about my benefits as a worker ..indirectly ( due to d patience teaching of Veron & Uncle i did improve alot. I broke my own record, successfully achieved $60,000++ in June for sale target ^^ which was in top 40 among 200+ stuffs.. Thanks to them i got d opportunity to learn alot..

Aug 08.. my decision to Russia to study medic going to b a fact soon..
And, by Sept 08.. i was here.. can b said all things happened jus like a dream.. jus happened yesterdae..i met my roomates (ChienHuey,Lynn,Charis & Joanna) , my coursemates( Gan, Jasper,Zihao,Ronald, Isabel, Tracy,Chloe,Lifang, Joen...etc ) , my groupmates ( Gabriel,Bryan, Brandon,Jackie,Tee,John,Terry,Kevin,JiaZhen) , my seniors (Aaron, James, Saac, Andrew,Caryn,Xinyee,KahLai,Marcus,WanSim,Vashni,Bc Wong,JieyWei, ... etc) .....

Okt 08 ~~ Nov 08 ~~ Dec 08 ~~
My colloqiums exams.. i had sit infinity times of it..
Living abroad, celebrating all d ritual festivals here is a new experience too.. =>
Mooncake Festival, Hari Raya Puasa, Deepavali, Dong Zhi Day, X'Mas ..

The end of my 20 years old.. i m thankful..
# Thank GOD. for all d blessing.. All Glory to Him..
# To my parents ( & sisters , brother ) , thank q for bringing me to dis world.. Thank q for all d
support! Thank q for al d care.. Thank q for all d love.. Sorry for my capricious decisions
sumtimes, thank q for all d toleration..
# To my frens, thank q for every help n concern u giv to Charmaine.. thank q for d
understanding & toleration...

# To those who Charmaine did or say sumthing offense him/her o, sorry for that.. i m not doing tat in purpose.. sorry~

Life can b a miracle, when You belif...